公司坚持学术为本、科研强院,注重以重大标志性成果引领学术研究。学院现有1个湖北省重点研究基地,1个省校共建基地,14个校级研究平台,参与共建1个教育部重点研究基地、1个湖北省创新平台。近十年以来,学院承担国家及教育部项目72项,其中重大项目8项,在权威及核心期刊发表论文1448篇,出版学术专(译) 著252部,获得省部级科研成果奖励53项;主办国内外学术会议130余场。2017-2021年被《新华文摘》《中国社会科学文摘》《高等学校文科学术文摘》转载43篇。
Through its two provincial scientific researchcentersand14Universityresearchcenters, the School of Philosophy is committed to producing academic and scientific research that adheres to the very highest standards of research excellence.Within last 10 years, the school housed72National and Ministry levelscientific research projects (including8major projects of the National Social Science Fund andthreeMinistry of Education Major Projects). In this time, the School of Philosophy has produced1448published articles in academic journals and252published academic books, and has garnered53provincial and ministerial-level awards for its scientific research achievements. In the same period, the School of Philosophy has hostedmorethan130national and international conferences. Within last 5 years,43articles are indexed by three major Chinese index citationservices.